Sunday, September 4, 2011

Janet Jackson Secret Love Child with Ex Hubby James DeBarge!!

Janet Jackson And Ex Hubby James DeBarge

Ettelene DeBarge, James DeBarge mother.

Omer Bhatti spotted at Michael's funeral.

Omer Bhatti
Janet Jackson has been accused of having a secret love child with Ex husband James DeBarge from late R&B group Debarge.  The National Inquire allegedly had an interview with Ettelene DeBarge, mother of James DeBarge. She says DeBarge fathered a child with Janet Jackson in 1984.  The child is actually a man by the name of Omer Bhatti. Janet Jackson's marriage to El DeBarge only lasted five moths and was later annulled. In "2009" Omer faced the tabloids by accusing him of being Michael Jackson's son.  He quickly denied the rumors by saying his father was a driver for Michael Jackson.  He says Jackson always called me his son.  That is why Bhatti was front row at Jackson's funeral with the rest of the fam.  Please Tell Me What Do Y'all Think?


  1. Wow... He looks just like the Jackson Family he has the eyes , the nose, the mouth everything... Janet Jackson's secret child was said to be a girl but you never know with that family...

    1. I thought Janet had a baby with Debarge years ago. I remember when she gained a lot of weight. More power to her, she is beautiful and need not be ashamed.

  2. i hope that she get a chance to live,love and have a lot of time to enjoy her young lady or young man.
